Skills for Life & Work
How to join a course
Find out how to join one of our courses. Our courses are very popular, and we cannot guarantee a place for everybody.
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
Our ESOL classes take place at Idea Stores across the borough in Tower Hamlets from Pre-Entry to Level 1. Courses are normally 10-12 weeks long, with three terms over the year.
English and Maths
Our English and Maths courses will support you to improve your reading, writing, and numeracy skills.
Idea Store Learning work with partners across the borough, including with WorkPath, to deliver a range of Employability programmes that will support your path to employment.
Digital Skills and ICT
We offer a range of courses to help you get started in ICT and improve your digital skills.
British Sign Language and Interpreting
Learn to communicate using British Sign Language (BSL) on a range of topics using simple everyday language.
Learning resources
Did you know that if you are a member of Idea Store, you can borrow 12 books as well as download for free magazines and books?