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Entry 2 Reading and Writing

Course Title: Entry 2 Reading and Writing

Hours per week: 5

Brief course description:

This is a 17-week ESOL Entry 2 Reading and Writing Exam Course.

You will improve your skills for everyday tasks. You will learn to read and understand simple texts, like shopping instructions, emails, or notices from your GP. You’ll practice finding important details and figuring out what these texts are about. For example, you might read a notice about a doctor’s appointment or look for information on a product label.

You will also practice writing clearly for different situations. This includes filling out forms, writing emails or text messages, and creating simple reviews or descriptions. You will learn to write correct sentences, use adjectives to describe things, and apply punctuation properly. You will also work on spelling and using capital and small letters correctly. By the end of the course, you will be more confident in reading and writing for everyday activities and ready for your Entry 2 exam.


  1. Understand Simple Texts: Read and understand short, straightforward texts such as notices, emails, and instructions, and identify the main points and purpose of the text, like finding appointment details or shopping information.
  2. Recognise Key Information: Locate and interpret key details in texts and images, such as understanding product labels or finding relevant information on a form.
  3. Identify Text Purposes: Use clues like headings and keywords to determine the purpose of different texts, for example, recognising whether a text is an instruction, a review, or a description.
  4. Order Words Alphabetically: Practice arranging words in alphabetical order using the first letter, such as sorting items on a shopping list or names on a contact list.
  5. Write Simple Texts Clearly: Produce clear and correct sentences for different purposes, such as writing an email to a friend, describing a friend, or completing a registration form.
  6. Use Adjectives and Punctuation: Use adjectives correctly to add detail and use punctuation marks like full stops, commas, and question marks accurately in your writing.
  7. Fill Out Forms Accurately: Complete forms by recording personal details correctly, such as filling in a registration form or an application form for a service.
  8. Write Reviews and Descriptions: Write simple reviews and descriptions, like describing a recent meal at a restaurant or giving feedback on a product, using appropriate vocabulary and structure.
  9. Communicate via Text and Email: Write and respond to text messages and emails with clear and correct language, including using proper spelling and grammar.
  10. Describe Everyday Activities and Cultures: Use writing to describe daily activities, food preferences or cultural experiences, ensuring that your text is clear and well-organised.

Entry requirements:

This is an Entry 2 ESOL class so your English will be at elementary level. You already have some vocabulary so you can talk about daily topics using the present simple or present continuous to describe objects and people and can ask and answer simple questions in these tenses. You now want to increase your vocabulary, become more confident in using different tenses and use language more accurately.   

Equipment required:

Please bring to every lesson:

  • A folder
  • Pens & pencils
  • Lined A4 paper
  • A smartphone (if you have one)
  • A reusable water bottle

We will give you the WIFI details in the first lesson.

What courses can I go on to:

There are other courses you can do after or at the same time as this course:

  • ESOL Learn English: Your City Your Rights
  • ESOL Speak with Confidence, Entry 3/Level 1
  • ESOL Write with Confidence
  • ESOL Entry 3 Reading & Writing Exam Class
  • ESOL Entry 3 Speaking and Listening Exam Class
  • Multiply Essential Maths for Problem Solving Course E3
  • Managing your Money Course E3
  • Becoming Confident in Digital Skills

Please ask your teacher for more information or contact

What examination is there:

You will undertake the Ascentis Entry 2 Reading and Writing exam in your classroom with your teacher.

Reading Exam:

In the reading exam you will identify key text features and answer comprehension questions.

Writing Exam:

In the writing exam you will undertake three tasks which include completing a form and writing an informal and formal text.

The exam tasks are an important part of your course. They will be spread out over the course, so you MUST come to all your classes

How will I know I am making progress:

At the start of the course, your tutor will talk with you about which parts of your English you need to practise most and help you create an individual learning plan. Throughout the course, you will have a tutorial meeting to discuss your strengths, areas for improvement, and any problems you may have. You will keep a folder with your work, which will help you review your learning outside of class.

Your tutor will give you regular feedback on your class work and homework to help you improve. To make progress, you need to attend all your classes and do work outside of class.

You will lose your place if your attendance is less than 80%.

Other info:

One of our aims is to help you make progress in work or future studies. We also want to help you participate in your communities and become an active citizen.  

In our classes, you will learn important skills that employers look for, like: 

  • Communication Skills: How to talk and write clearly. 
  • Decision-Making: How to make good choices. 
  • Working Together: How to work well with others. 

By improving these skills, you will increase your chances of finding a job, advancing in your career, and becoming an active member of your community. 

Extra support

We can help you if you tell us you have a learning difficulty, disability or other support needs. Please tell us when you enrol or in your first class.