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Schools and education in Tower Hamlets

We hold many sources on the history of local education. There are more records after 1870 when formal education of children became compulsory.

Often researchers want to trace records of schools. They can be

  • former school pupils who need to provide proof of their attendance or educational record
  • family historians
  • teachers and their students wish to find out about the history of their own school

This guide provides

  • a background to local authority-provided education
  • a list of the schools whose records we hold
  • advice to former pupils, family historians and other researchers
  • information on key sources held elsewhere.

Before 1870 there was no compulsory schooling. Most education was given by charitable and religious bodies. They focused on literacy, numeracy and religious instruction. Examples include

  • National Schools linked with the Church of England
  • endowed establishments funded through bequests made by individuals.

The Public Elementary Education Act 1870 led to universal schooling. The Act enabled for the building of new schools in Tower Hamlets. A new pan-London local education authority managed education. This body evolved and changed names during the 20th century:

  • School Board for London (SBL) 1870-1904: created by the Public Elementary Education Act 1870. SBL left a lasting legacy in its school buildings. You can explore these across Tower Hamlets and other inner London Boroughs.
  • London County Council (LCC) 1904-1965: the LCC took over the SBL in 1904. The LCC’s Education Committee oversaw the work of the Education Officer and Education Department. They introduced nurseries, special schools, evening classes and polytechnics.
  • Inner London Education Authority 1965-1990: on 1 April 1965, the Greater London Council took over from the LCC. Education in inner London came under the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA).
  • London Borough of Tower Hamlets (from 1990): education transferred from the ILEA to the inner London Boroughs. Tower Hamlets Council runs local schools and related services today.

The main sources include property and planning files including plans to school sites. Key series are:

  • Town Planning files from the Borough Engineer and Surveyor and successors. This large series includes new sites for education and changes to existing school buildings, ref: L/THL/D/1/1
  • Building Control files, ref: L/THL/D/2/1
  • Evidences of title and other deeds to former London County Council and Greater London Council properties. These were later held by Tower Hamlets’ Legal Section, ref: T/THL/J/1/1. For example, deeds for Wood Close School, Bethnal Green, 1847-1903 ref: L/THL/J/1/1/15

Also held are records of local libraries which play a major role in education. These include Bow Library (ref: SMS/H) and Whitechapel Library (ref: L/THL/H/2)

The records can searched on our online catalogue.

You can research archives of associations, youth clubs, institutes and settlements. They include

The records can searched on our online catalogue.

  • Brady Club, a Jewish youth organisation,1924-1981, ref: S/BRA
  • Cambridge and Bethnal Green Boys Club later known as New Cambridge Boys' Club, 1936-1987, ref: S/NCB
  • Dockland Settlement No. 2, Isle of Dogs. Learning for young people included holidays, camps and sports, 1924-1969, ref: I/DST
  • East London Schools Sports Association, minutes, 1950-1977, ref: S/ELS
  • Highway Clubs (Incorporated), records 1886-1986, ref: S/HWC
  • National Union of Teachers: East London Teachers Association, 1902-1971: minutes, registers and printed material, ref: S/ELT
  • Oxford House Settlement, Bethnal Green. Founded in 1884 by Keble College, Oxford to house former college pupils and tutors. They aimed to learn about ‘the real condition of the labouring classes’ in East London. 1886-1984, including records of clubs and associations, ref: I/OXF
  • St Katharine and Shadwell Trust, records on education and training, 1990-2013, ref: I/SKS
  • St Margaret's House, Bethnal Green. A settlement running clubs and other activities. 1872-1988, ref: I/SMH
  • Scout Association: Poplar Branch, minutes, 1945-1959, ref: S/MIS/5
  • Sunday School Union: East London Auxiliary, 1895-1996: minutes, reports, statistics, finance, photographs and printed material, ref: S/ELA
  • Tower Hamlets Institute of Adult Education, 1898-1991: including records of predecessors Bethnal Green Adult Education Institute; Bethnal Green Men's Institute; Lansbury Adult Education Institute, Bow; and Olga Street Women's Institute, Bow; ref: I/THI
  • Papers of individuals including:
  • Peter Aylmer, teacher and representative on the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA), ref: P/AYL;
  • Reverend Dan Greatorex, Vicar of St. Paul, Dock Street, Whitechapel and manager of St. Paul's School. Diaries, 1852-1892, ref: P/GXT;
  • Edith Ramsay (1895-1983), educationalist and community worker, especially on adult education, ref: P/RAM;
  • Research and photographs of Bradley Snooks relating to the history of Bow, 1980s-2000. Includes local Bow schools and other places of education, ref: P/SNO

Research sources on the history of education in Tower Hamlets and London in our Local History Library. Most material is under subject code 800. Themes include

  • teachers’ associations
  • parents’ unions and strikes
  • exhibitions and festivals
  • art and technical schools
  • evening and commercial institutes
  • further education
  • special schools and centres
  • play centres
  • school sports.

Highlights from our Local History Library collection include:

  • Published histories on schools and places for higher education. These include Queen Mary University of London and its predecessors.
  • Serial publications including school magazines, newsletters, and annual reports.
  • School journey books. These describe trips outside the borough. They are often written by the children themselves. There are also accounts of school evacuations during the Second World War. Wartime life can also be explore in school archives such as Parmiter's School (collection reference: I/PAR).
  • Photographs illustrating school life, including class photographs and school buildings
  • Newspaper cuttings and ephemera
  • Directories help trace schools and other educational centres. These include those issued by the LCC, ILEA and Tower Hamlets Council. Maps show the locations of schools in Tower Hamlets. For example the LCC’s 1947 London School Plan, ref: LCM2673.

The London Archives holds important archives of local authority schools in Tower Hamlets. They include school registers, minutes, plans and policy files.

Management changed over the period 1870-1990 as follows

  • Boards of Guardians for the Poor of London and Middlesex
  • School Board for London (SBL)
  • London County Council (LCC)
  • Middlesex County Council (MCC)
  • Inner London Education Authority (ILEA).

During this period, schools were issued registers and log books by the local authority. Completed volumes were often returned. These are at The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05. Tower Hamlets came under Educational Divisional Area 5. This included schools in Bethnal Green, City of London, Poplar and Stepney.

The London Archives also has archives of key East End educational organisations. These include

  • Beaumont Institution and People’s Palace, Mile End. This was a public hall ‘for the recreation, amusement and education of the people of the East End of London’, ref: A/BPP
  • Toynbee Hall which still operates today in Commercial Street, refs: A/TOY and ACC/2486

Explore their research guides on

  • Sources for the history of education
  • The Evacuation of Children from the County of London During the Second World War.

School archives

Some school archives include admission and discharge registers, log books and staff registers. These help trace pupils and staff and their school lives. This section outlines useful school records and how you can access them.

  • Admission and discharge registers give a pupil’s birth and admission year. They can also provide
    • parents’ names
    • father’s occupation
    • previous schools attended
    • examination results
    • remarks on absences and reasons for leaving. These can include health reasons, death, moving away or transfer elsewhere.
  • Log books are diaries kept by staff noting events or incidents as well as the general running of the school. They can include
    • subjects taught and class plans
    • attendance summaries
    • school closures due to epidemic diseases
    • examinations
    • staff appointments and lists
    • results of school inspections
    • achievements of named pupils
    • newly admitted and discharged pupils
    • events such as visits and attendance at the school’s place of worship.

Explore digital copies of some volumes dating before 1914 on FindMyPast. These are part of The National School Admission Registers and Log-books 1870–1914 dataset. Digitised volumes are highlighted in the list of schools on this page.

Access to records about living pupils and staff is subject to data protection regulations. Restrictions are highlighted in our catalogue.

The Data Protection Act gives all school students, regardless of age, the right of access to their own school pupil records. If you find that records you are looking for are restricted you can make a Subject Access Request.

Advice for former pupils

Records for an individual pupil can be kept by the school for a short time only.

If you are looking for your attendance and/or your education record, where possible contact the school you attended to see what records they still have.

Access to your own records is subject to the Data Protection Act. Some schools may have deposited their historical records with us. Sometimes these include more recent records for pupils but most date before the 1970s.

Before making a Subject Access Request, check if school records are held by us for the school and for the period you require. If you are looking for someone else’s school records, follow guidance for family historians or researchers.

Examination results

If you are looking for school examination results, these records are not held by us.

Results are held by the individual examination board. You would need to know which examination board you took your exams with and seek advice from them.

Schools may be able to help you and identify which examination boards were used.

Advice for family historians or researchers

Explore our list of historical records for schools in Tower Hamlets. Not all schools have deposited their records. In some cases the school records do not survive.

To comply with the Data Protection Act, there is some important guidance to follow if you wish to consult someone else’s personal information in school records.

Entries dating over 100 years can be viewed without restriction.

If the individual is less than one hundred years old you would need to provide proof that that person is now deceased, and to supply a death certificate for them.

If you require seeing the personal information for an individual who is still alive, then you would need to apply to the Data Protection Officer for permission. You can submit a request online.

Advice for teachers and their students on school history projects

Explore our online catalogue for descriptions to items relevant to your research. We are happy to help you plan your project. Visit our outreach and education page for further details. We welcome enquiries around keeping and depositing school records. Read our deposit advice for further information.

Alphabetical list of school archives

Explore the following list of schools whose archives we hold. These are mainly catalogued within our collections under reference: I/.

The records can searched on our online catalogue.

The school name I am searching for is not listed

  • Explore alternative printed and image sources in our Local History Library.
  • We hold a useful printed index to London schools and their records, 2007 by Cliff Webb LC6838, Class 820 WEB.
  • Further school records are at The London Archives
  • Other records remain with the schools or their successors. Some material may not have survived.
School Reference
Abbey Street Schools

See Good Shepherd Mission, Bethnal Green

 Bishopsgate Infant School  see Central Foundation Girls’ School
 Bishopsgate Ward Schools  see Central Foundation Girls’ School
 Ben Jonson Primary School, Mile End  1945-1978: including admission registers and log books, ref: I/BJP. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
 Bonner Primary School, Bethnal Green 1876-1969: admission and attendance registers, log books and punishment book, ref: I/BON. Records 1876-1913 (I/BON/1/1-4) on Further log book 1878-1880 held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
 Bonner Street Schools, Bethnal Green  see Bonner Primary School
Bowbrook Girls’ School 1876-1975: includes admission registers and log books including predecessors, ref: I/CFS/C. Bowbrook merged with the Central Foundation School for Girls
 Bow County Secondary School for Girls see Bowbrook Girls School. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
 Bromley Hall School Records, uncatalogued ref: TH/9050. Please contact staff for details on access.
 Byron Street School  Benevolent Association, Poplar, 1882-1888: Association minutes only, ref: S/MIS/3 
Central Foundation Girls’ School, Spitalfields 1800-1987: includes attendance registers, log books and examination records and staff records, ref: I/CFS/A. Includes records of predecessors. Pupil registers for Bishopsgate Ward Schools refs: I/CFS/A/2/3/1-6 and St Ethelburga Society Schools refs: I/CFS/B/2/1/1-2 on
City and Spitalfields School of Art, Spitalfields 1850-1882, ref I/CFS/D
Cranbrook County Secondary School, Bethnal Green see Bowbrook Girls School
Cranbrook Terrace Schools, Bethnal Green  See Bowbrook Girls School. Further records held at The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Cranbrook Road Infants School, Bethnal Green  1921-1939: admission register only, ref: I/BON/1/9. See also Bonner Primary School. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Culloden Street School  Photocopies only of original log books 1940-1946 held by school, Local History Library ref: L7888 (820.2 CUL) 
Davenant Foundation Grammar School, Whitechapel  Not held at THLHLA. Records held at The London Archives, collection refs: A/DAV and LCC/EO/DIV05
Elizabeth Barrett Browning Secondary School  Mile End, 1948-1959, 1968: admission register only, ref: I/MIS/3 
Fairfield Road Schools  See Bowbrook Girls School. Further records held at The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
 George Green's School, Poplar 1883-1976: includes admission registers and staff registers, ref: I/GGS. Records 1898-1914 refs: I/GGS/1/1/1 and I/GGS/1/2/1 on For papers of Henry C. Wilks (1917-1992), Head of Geography, see ref: P/WIL
George Yard Mission / Ragged Schools, Whitechapel  See Good Shepherd Mission, Bethnal Green
 Gill Street School, Limehouse Photograph album only, uncatalogued ref: TH/9607. Please contact staff for details on access. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
 Good Shepherd Mission, Bethnal Green  1850-1977: including records of the George Yard Ragged Schools, Whitechapel, and the King Edward Institute, Spitalfields, ref: W/GSM
Good Shepherd School Roman Catholic Infants School, Stepney  1914-1939: log book and admission register only, refs: I/GUA/1/3/2 and I/GUA/2/2/1. See Guardian Angels Roman Catholic School
Green Coat School, Stepney See Hamlet of Ratcliff School
Guardian Angels Roman Catholic School, Mile End 1874-2000: includes log books and admission registers, ref: I/GUA 
Hamlet of Ratcliff School, Stepney 1710-1970: including logbooks and registers, ref: I/HRS. Records ref: I/HRS/8/1 on Also held are records of Ratcliff Charity Trust / Ratcliff Educational Foundation Trust, 1730-1954 including 133 apprenticeship indentures for children apprenticed, 1730-1850, uncatalogued ref: TH/8988. Please contact staff for details on access.
Harry Gosling Infants SchoolWhitechapel

1972-1997: photographs only, ref: I/HGS

Admission and discharge records from 1942 onwards are at the school as of January 2025. Please contact Harry Gosling Primary School for further details.

Harry Roberts Nursery School, Stepney 1971-1996: including pupil attendance registers, ref: I/HRN
Jews’ Free School, Stepney Not held at THLHLA. Records are held at The London Archives ref: LMA/4046
John Bartlett Primary School, Bow See Olga Primary School
Johnson Street School, Mile End See Ben Jonson Primary School
King Edward Institute, Spitalfields See Good Shepherd Mission, Bethnal Green
King Edward Ragged and Industrial Schools, Spitalfields  See Good Shepherd Mission, Bethnal Green
Malmesbury Junior School

Records, uncatalogued ref: TH/8966. Please contact staff for details on access.

Please note not to be confused with Malmesbury Road School, Bow records are held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05

Middlesex Society Charity School, Stepney 1806-1819: minutes only, ref I/MSS. Merged with Raine's Schools (in this listing)
Mile End Old Town Charity School 1771-1809: minute books only, ref: I/MEO
Morpeth School, Bethnal Green 1922-1996: includes log book, admission registers, record cards and staff records, ref: I/MOR 
Olga Primary School, Bow 1875-1982: log book and punishment books, ref: I/OLG. Further records held at The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05 
 Olga Street Board School, Bow See Olga Primary School
Parmiter's Foundation SchoolBethnal Green 1890-1972: includes fee book, pupils' records and monitors minute book, ref: I/PAR.Many Local History Library printed sources. Main records held at The London Archives, ref ACC/1844
Poplar and Blackwall Free School Trust Fund 1881-1894: fund minutes only, ref: I/MIS/2 
Poplar and Blackwall National School, Poplar 1804-1880: minutes only, ref: I/PBN
Poplar Methodist Church Sunday School 1891-1982: including attendance register, ref W/PMC/3/2/1
Portman Place Primary SchoolBethnal Green Includes pupil memories kept by Morpeth School Librarian, ref: I/MOR/4/1. See Morpeth School, Bethnal Green. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Raine's Foundation Schools, Stepney Records of Old Raineians Association only, 1910-1994: includes reunions and school papers, ref: S/ORA. Main school records held by The London Archives ref: ACC/1811
Ratcliff School, Stepney See Hamlet of Ratcliff School
Red Coat School, Mile End Old Town See Stepney Red Coat School, Stepney
Red Coat School, Stepney See Stepney Red Coat School; see also Mile End Old Town Charity School
Roman Road Schools See Bowbrook Girls School. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
St Anne's Roman Catholic Boys' School, Buxton Street, Spitalfields 1886-1946: admission registers only, ref: I/STB/1. Records refs: I/STB/1/1/2-3 on 
St Anne's Secondary School, Wood Close, Bethnal Green See Wood Close School
St. Bernard's Roman Catholic Secondary School, Stepney (from 1929) Bethnal Green (from before 1964) 1886-1965: registers and log book only, includes records of predecessors, ref: I/STB
St Ethelburga Society Schools, Bishopsgate 1802-1874: includes registers, ref: I/CFS/B. Some records on Predecessor of Central Foundation Girls’ School, see above
St George in the East Secondary School 1946-1965: papers of Judith Parris, teacher including photographs, ref: P/PAR.
St George's Lutheran German School, Little Alie Street, Aldgate 1806-1930, series ref: W/SGG/A/6. Registers refs: W/SGG/A/6/6/2 and 5 on
St Gregory the Great Secondary School, Bethnal Green See Wood Close School
St John Church of England Primary School Records, uncatalogued ref: TH/9678. Please contact staff for details on access.
St Mary and St Michael's Junior Mixed [Roman Catholic] School 1933-1975: log book only, ref: I/MIS/7
St Matthew's National School, Bethnal Green 1852-1879, ref: I/SMN
St Matthias Church of England School, Poplar 1875-1983, ref: I/SMC. Further records including log books held at The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
St Patrick's in the East (Boys' and Girls’ Catholic School) See St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Primary School
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Primary School, Wapping 1872-2010, including log books. Ref: I/STP
St Paul Parochial School, Shadwell 1892-1956, Educational Charity Trustees account book naming pupils only, ref: I/SPS
St Saviour School, Poplar 1965-1971: governors’ papers only, ref: I/MIS/1. Further records including log books held at The London Archives, ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Southern Grove School, Mile End See Elizabeth Barrett Browning Secondary School. South Grove School records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Spitalfields School of Design, Spitalfields See City and Spitalfields School of Art
Stepney Greencoat School, Stepney

See Hamlet of Ratcliff School

Stepney Jewish School Not held at THLHLA. Records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05
Stepney Parish Church Day Schools See Mile End Old Town Charity School
Stepney Redcoat School, Stepney 1912-1927: Infants Department admission register only, ref: I/HRS/13/1. See Hamlet of Ratcliff School; see also Mile End Old Town Charity School
Wapping Charity School Transcripts only, uncatalogued TH/8302. Please contact staff for details on access.
Wood Close School, Bethnal Green 1920-1964: admission registers only including associated schools, ref: I/STB/2. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05.
Wrights Road Schools See Bowbrook Girls School. Further records held by The London Archives, series ref: LCC/EO/DIV05