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Mission statement and Scope

Mission statement

Tower Hamlets Local History Library and Archives (THLHLA) is central to the borough it serves. It collects, preserves, manages and provides free public access to an extraordinary range of archives, library and other historical material.

These record, describe or illustrate Tower Hamlets’ past and present. THLHLA provides facilities for onsite research with these collections and delivers outreach, exhibitions and events. It engages local residents and visitors with the rich histories of London’s East End.

The service is operated by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. THLHLA sits within Customer Services in the Resources directorate and is a part of the Idea Store department of libraries and lifelong learning.

Address: 277 Bancroft Road, London, E1 4DQ

Phone number: (+44) 020 7364 1290: answered during Reading Room opening times

Email address:



These policies cover access and preservation of the collections and wider management of the service.

The collections have been selected for permanent preservation by THLHLA on behalf of Tower Hamlets Council. Each policy links together with other policies. The aims of the policies are to ensure collections:

  • are properly managed, preserved and developed
  • made available to the public appropriately to ensure their long-term survival and usability

The policies also guide and inform the public, council staff and other stakeholders how THLHLA collects, retains and makes collections available.